What is a dinosaur? 

A dinosaur is the most recent common ancestor of IguanodonMegalosaurus, and Diplodocus, and all of that ancestor’s descendants

Can you talk more about dinosaurs?

I have a powerpoint that’s basically a primer on dinosaurs

Are birds dinosaurs? 

Yes – all evidence currently points to birds having evolved from a group of dinosaurs and, since we define animals based on their evolutionary relationship, this makes them dinosaurs themselves

What are birds?

We just don’t know

What is evolution? 

Accumulated changes in collective genetic profile of a population of living things over time.

Why do all your dinosaurs have feathers? (or: Did dinosaurs really all have feathers?) (or: Why did you depict with feathers?)

There is increasing fossil evidence that dinosaurs evolved from a (proto)-feathered ancestor, which indicates that any dinosaur could have had feather-like structures on their body. While this is more likely for some (say, Velociraptor) than others (say, Argentinosaurus), this blog attempts to fill a void in reconstructions of dinosaurs by having them as fluffy as possible, because too many depictions of them have them too scaly – even to the point of inaccuracy. So, here, we stay within possible (ie, accurate) bounds, while going on the fluffy side of that scale.

Are dinosaurs still reptiles? 

Yes – since reptiles are defined as the most recent common ancestor of Lizards, Snakes, Crocodilians, Turtles, and the Tuatara, and all of that ancestor’s descendants. Dinosaurs fall in that group. This also means birds are reptiles.

Is the Pterodactyl a dinosaur? 

Nope – no pterosaur, including Pterodactylus or Pteranodon, falls into the dinosaur evolutionary group. They’re close cousins though.

Is Dimetrodon a dinosaur? 

Nope – Dimetrodon is actually a Synapsid, which is all animals more closely related to modern mammals than to reptiles. We’re Synapsids too! Because we’re mammals!

Is Plesiosaurus a dinosaur? 

Nope – it falls outside the dinosaur group as well.

Is the Mosasaur a dinosaur? 

Mosasaurs are actually more closely related to lizards and snakes! So nope.

Is Icthyosaurus (The Dolphin Reptile Thing) a dinosaur? 

Once again, falls outside the dinosaur group

Is Megalodon a dinosaur?

Since Megalodon is a shark, and not even a reptile…. no

Is the Wooly Mammoth a dinosaur? 

The Wooly Mammoth is a mammal. Mammals cannot be dinosaurs.

What is a protofeather? 

The structure that would later evolve into what we typically think of as feathers – they were like fur, sort of, but developed from a different part of the epidermal layer (the skin).

What is a pennaceous feather? 

What we typically think of as feathers – the stuff with barbs that you put on quill pens.

What is integument?

The natural covering of an organism.

Did Spinosaurus have feathers? 

You know, we have absolutely no idea. It doesn’t seem likely, because it wasn’t a very advanced theropod, and it would be easier to swim without feathers than not – it takes a lot of adaptation to get something like penguin feathers, for example. Still, it’s possible, and until we find integument, it’s hard to say for sure.

Are dinosaurs extinct? 

Since birds are dinosaurs, and birds are still alive, no.

Were dinosaurs warm blooded? 

Probably. Most likely. A study was done that found them to be mesotherms (so inbetween cold and warm blooded) however, this study vastly underestimated their growth rates. Taking that into account, they were probably all endothermic. The ones most close to birds (so Coelurosauria on) definitely were. Assume endothermic for now.

What colors were dinosaurs? 

Depends on their integument and diet, as well as environment. For most extinct dinosaurs, we just don’t know.

What is your favorite dinosaur? 


What is a BANDit? 

Someone who maintains that birds did not evolve from dinosaurs, even though all the evidence says they did.

How do you recommend getting started in paleontology? 

Just start learning!!! As soon as you can. I recommend utilizing Wikipedia, the Dinosaur Mailing List, and Palaeoblr!

Are you a paleontologist? 

No, I’m a molecular biologist and interested in evolutionary developmental biology and evolutionary genomics. My biggest interest in terms of group of organisms just happens to be dinosaurs.

Have you done [x] dinosaur? 

Check the index! If not, feel free to request it.

Can I provide art for [x] dinosaur? 

Sure – get in touch with us on the contact page.